Illinois NENA has purchased a NexGen 911 Simulator with ILNENA funds for PSAP use.

Preparedness is key in emergency situations, for all family members and especially children. By educating children on proper 911 phone call procedure, we can potentially save lives and help those receive the help they need even faster and when it matters most.

NextGen911 technology is making that process even more effective by simulating real 911 calling and answering dispatch from any location!

What does the NextGen 911 Simulator Do?

  • It successfully simulates dialing or texting 911 from a provided cell phone in a controlled learning environment.

  • Creating an educational opportunity for children, the elderly, individuals with special needs, etc.

How does the 9-1-1 Simulator Work?

  • When dialing 911 from the provided cell phone the call is connected to the dispatch phone for the educator to answer and simulate life-saving directions to the caller or group.

  • When texting 911 from the provided cell phone the message is relayed to the provided tablet for the educator to respond and simulate direction to the texter or group over text messaging.

Does your agency want to reserve the simulator?

Fill out the the form below, it will be sent to the ILNENA Training and Education Committee for review.

  • Once approved the ILNENA T&E Committee, we will contact you to set up transport of the simulator.

  • There is no fee to reserve the simulator! Transporting the simulator will be on the agency requesting use.

  • There will be a 2 week maximum limit for use unless approved by the Training and Education Committee.